Ladies! Don't drink ice water, Seltzer Water, and Coconut During Menstruation. Here's why....

During menstruation you need to avoid taking any drink that is very hot or cold. This is because drinks metabolise faster than solids. Also it is not that you are a tank and what you pour from your mouth will reach the stomach as it is. The action of cold and hot drinks is not suitable during menstruation. Some hot drinks can cause a distress that leads to worsening of cramps. Cold drinks of the other hand cause contractions of the alimentary canal.

Here's why you shouldn't drink ice water, sparkling water, and coconut when you have menstruation.

  • Cold water

Chinese women teach their daughters not to drink cold water, especially during their periods as it can mess up with their health. Here are a few reasons why women should refrain from drinking cold water during periods.

Studies say that cold water can increase pain during periods. So, it's advisable to have warm or hot water during those five days in the month. Various doctors have said that it's better to have warm water as it helps soothe pain and also helps in partial riddance of period cramps. According to Chinese studies, drinking cold water will harm the balance of your body and also affect your skin and health. Chinese women teach their daughters not to drink cold water, especially during their periods as it can mess up with their health.

Research also proves, that drinking ice when you have menstruation can cause menstrual blood left in the uterus wall, after 5-10 years can cause "cysts & uterus cancer".

  • Seltzer, sparkling, fizzy, carbonated or soda water.

    Aerated drinks or carbonated drinks can cause acidity and thus lead to bloating. The more the intestines expand, the worse the reaction from the uterus.

    • Coconut

    You can drink coconut water but only in day time and in small quantity. It is not highly advisable yet, it can be the one of the effective and fast blood builder. Women when having their period tends to feel pain and reducing body blood. During periods digestive system becomes weak. So one should eat light, liquid and hot during this period.

    Lpki (Indonesian Cancer Institute)